Do you know when you’re very happy with the result of something? Well, that’s how I am feeling now. I LOVED the branding package that Malavika created for me. It was a month of a lot of talk, back-and-forth ideas, concepts, designs, color proofs, font styles, nuances… Malavika was really amazing, extremely zealous, attentive, patient, affectionate, inspiring. Imagine that she took the time to read a good part of my work – which is all in Portuguese, a language she doesn’t speak – and then synthesize everything (in a way that I wouldn’t know how to do) in five simple words that guided my brand evolution. The words were: poetic, conversational, fluid, engaging, and lucid. Not to mention that at the end of every single email she would write: “happy writing” ❤.
Impossible not to feel ‘happy’ and so energized to get into this new phase of my professional career. Gratitude, Malavika! Let’s go ahead, because there are still many other good things to come. And this is just another new beginning.