Eva and Bosco
Banking Solutions Identity
Crafted for Eva & Bosco, a provider of banking and investment solutions, the concept identity aimed to convey security, assurance, and trust in an open manner.
Initially, I explored symbols associated with security, such as keys, locks, and safes. However, upon combining the letters ‘E’ and ‘B’ from Eva & Bosco into a monogram, I discovered that the fusion swiftly communicated a sense of reassuring strength. The refinement process focused on achieving a delicate balance between positive and negative space. Introducing a keyhole graphic at the center not only symbolized safety but also represented a gateway to innovative banking solutions.
When considering colors, I opted for a departure from traditional maroons and navy blues prevalent in the banking sector. Instead, I experimented with lighter blues and ultramarine greens to infuse the brand with vitality and freshness. Through a small survey, I confirmed that these hues imbued the symbol with an approachable and contemporary aura, aligning perfectly with the evolving landscape of the banking industry.
June 2015